Zhiquan (Andy) Shu
Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington
Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington
Thermal Science and Energy Engineering
University of Science and Technology of China
Computer Science and Technology
University of Science and Technology of China
Current Research
- Cryo-biomedical engineering, fundamental and applied cryobiology, including the study of cryoinjury mechanisms and development of novel technology for the biopreservation of living cells/tissues/organs at low temperature.
- Artificial organs (artificial kidney, artificial liver).
- Microfluidics.
- Bio-MEMS.
Academic Service
- Governor, International Society for Cryobiology, 2024-2025. See https://www.societyforcryobiology.org/leadership.
- Section Editor, Biopreservation and Biobanking (the official journal of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)), Feb 2016 - present.
- Editor of the Special Issue: Cryobiology and Biopreservation (co-editors: Dayong Gao, Xuemin Zhao), Biopreservation and Biobanking (the official journal of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)), August 2022.
- Treasurer, Executive Board Member, the International Society for Cryobiology, 2018-2019.
- Chair or Member, the Finance Committee, Scientific Program Committee, Awards Committee, Review Committee, the International Society for Cryobiology, 2018-present.
- Session Chair, Summer Biomechanics Bioengineering Biotransport Conference (SB3C) (2021 Summer), Annual Conference of the International Society for Cryobiology (2018-present).
- Invited reviewer for scientific journals, including Nature Communication, Langmuir, Applied Sciences, Soft Matter, Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Acta Biomaterialia, Scientific Reports, PLoS ONE, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Cryobiology, Celluar Microbiology, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of Thermal Biology, Biopreservation and Biobanking, Bioengineering, Engineer Reports, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, SAGE-Biomarker Insight, Regenerative Medicine, Energy Research Journal, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings, SB3C, MDPI-Biology, etc..
Associate Director, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Center for Cryo-Biomedical Engineering and Artificial Organs
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington (Seattle)
- TME 223 Dynamics
- TME 331 Thermodynamics
- TME 332 Fluid Mechanics
- TME 373 System Dynamics
- TME 412 Cryo-biomedical Engineering
- TME 425 Energy Efficiency in Buildings (HVAC)
- TME 435 Thermal System Design
- TME 491 Seminar in Mechanical Engineering
- TME 499 Research
Honors and Awards
- NSF ERI (2024-2026)
- "Dayong Gao Young Investigator Award" of the Year 2023, International Society for Cryobiology (one awardee worldwide per year). For more information, see https://www.societyforcryobiology.org/dayong-gao-young-investigator-award or https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/set/dr-shu-wins-2023-dayong-gao-young-investigator-award.
- Royalty Research Fund (RRF), University of Washington, 2022.
- New Faculty Seed Grant Award, 2018, WSU.
- Research Fellow, 2014-2015, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Publications (Google Scholar Account)