Tawanda Chivese, Ph.D.

I am an epidemiologist, who has experience teaching biomedical research, biostatistics and epidemiology. I am a multi-disciplinary researcher, whose research focuses mainly on the developmental origins of health and non-communicable diseases, with an emphasis on gestational diabetes and its impact on the cardiometabolic health of both the mother and her offspring. I also work on many other health related topics including diabetes, HIV, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, TB. I have published more than 50 research papers in reputable mostly Q1, international, peer-reviewed journals. I serve on the editorial board of the BMC Public Health, and peer review for several high impact journals including The Lancet. I am a committee member of several international bodies including the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas Committee Hyperglycaemia in Pregnancy Special Interest Group.
Current Research
I am a multidisciplinary researcher, with a good record of contributing to research in various fields of health, including communicable and non-communicable diseases. I am interested in investigating ways to prevent and manage hyperglycaemia in pregnancy, and its consequences for the mother and her offspring after the pregnancy, especially among disadvantaged communities. I am particularly interested in complex interventions that address social determinants of health, such as food environments and socio-economic status, to improve the long-term health outcomes of affected women and their offspring.
My key research area is gestational diabetes and its effects on the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) in both the mother and her offspring in women. Gestational diabetes offers us a unique window into the future and a unique opportunity to reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, not only in the affected women, but in their offspring, and thus, could be viewed as an opportunity to reduce the intergenerational transmission of cardiometabolic disease risk. However, being a multidisciplinary researcher, I have broad research interests which include diabetes outside pregnancy, mental health, HIV, viral hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, health systems research, and many other areas related to health research.