Aimee Kinney

Kinney, A., R. Evrard, K. Bogue, and C.A. James. 2023. Filling the gap: A comparative analysis of stormwater utility fees and stormwater program budgets in the Puget Sound watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 59(5): 1128-1145.
C.A. James, T.B. Francis, J.E. Baker, N. Georgiadis, A. Kinney, C. Magel, J. Rice, T. Roberts, C.W. Wright. 2022. A boundary spanning system supports large-scale ecosystem-based management. Environmental Science & Policy. 133: 137-145.
Kinney, A., J. Johannessen, M. Fisher, A. Maverick, L. Øde-Giles, and B. Lane. 2021. Residential shoreline loan program feasibility study: Developing a new Shore Friendly incentive to help Puget Sound homeowners finance beach restoration and sea level rise adaptation. University of Washington Tacoma, Puget Sound Institute.
Guglielmo-Kinney, A. and T.M. Leschine. 2002. A Procedural Evaluation of an Analytic-Deliberative Process: The Columbia River Comprehensive Impact Assessment. Risk Analysis. 22(1): 83-100.