Arindam Tripathy, Ph.D.
Professor of Accounting

University of Texas, Dallas
University of Texas, Dallas
Scholarly Interests
Research Interests
- Accounting Information Systems
- Auditing
- Managerial Accounting
Teaching Interests
- Auditing
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting
- American Accounting Association
- Management Accounting Section (AAA)
- Accounting Information Systems Section (AAA)
- Strategic Emerging Technologies Section (AAA)
Selected Publications
- Jain, S, Fernando, Guy, Tripathy, A and Bhatia, S, (2020) "Closing the Gender Gap in Top Management Teams: An Examination of Listed Family and Non-Family Firms." Journal of Family Business Strategy (Forthcoming)
- Bhatia, S, Gupta, G and Tripathy, A (2020) "The Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Quandary: An Instructional Case." Emerging Markets Case Studies (Forthcoming)
- Fernando, Guy, Jain, S and Tripathy, A, (2020) "This Cloud has a Silver Lining: Gender Diversity, Managerial Capability and Firm Performance." Journal of Business Research, 117, September 2020, 484-496
- Desai, N, Jain, S, Jain, S and Tripathy, A, (2020) "The Impact of Implicit Theories of Personality Malleability on Opportunistic Financial Reporting." Journal of Business Research, 116, August 2020, 258-265
- Chang, H, Fernando, G, Srinivasan, D and Tripathy, A (2020) "Productivity spillovers in supply chain networks. International Journal of Accounting", Auditing and Performance Evaluation, (Forthcoming)
- Zhiyan, C, Fernando, G, Tripathy, A and Upadhyay, A (2018) "Economics of Corporate Lobbying. Journal of Corporate Finance", Volume 49, April 2018, pp. 54-80
- Bhatia, S and Tripathy, A (2018) "Impact of IFRS adoption on reporting of firm efficiency: Case of Indian IT firms." International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, Vol. 14 (2-3), pp. 128-158
- Agarwalla, S, Desai, N and Tripathy, A (2017) "The Impact of Self-Deception and Professional Skepticism on Perceptions of Ethicality." Advances in Accounting, Vol. 37, June 2017, pp. 85-93
- Asdemir, O, Fernando, G, Schneible, R and Tripathy, A (2017) "Impact of Strategy on Analyst Information. Advances in Accounting", Vol. 37, June 2017, pp. 103-110
- Fernando, G, Schneible, R and Tripathy, A (2016) "Firm Level Strategy and Market Reaction to Earnings," Forthcoming Advances in Accounting
- Perryman, Lex, Fernando, G and Tripathy, A (2016) "Do gender differences persist? An examination of gender diversity on firm performance, risk and executive compensation," Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 579-586.
- Chang, Hsihui, Fernando, G and Tripathy, A (2016) "An Empirical Study of Strategic Positioning and Production Efficiency," Advances in Operations Research, Vol. 2015, Article ID 347045.
- Rehwald, C.M., Tripathy,A, and Bhargava, Puneet, (2015) "Systems Redesign: A Quality Improvement Initiative at a Tertiary Care Veterans Affairs Medical Center" The Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 12, Issue 8, pp. 842-844.
- Banker, R., Mashruwala, R.,and Tripathy, A. (2014) "Does a Different Strategy Lead to More Sustainable Financial Performance Than a Cost Leadership Strategy?" Management Decision, Vol. 52 Iss: 5, pp. 872-896.
- Bryan, D., Fernando, G., and Tripathy, A. (2013). "Bankruptcy Risk, Productivity, and Firm Strategy," Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 12 Iss: 4, pp. 309-326.
- Chang, H., Fernando, G., Srinivasan, D., and Tripathy, A. (2013). "A Re-examination of Diversification and Firm Productivity," Journal of Management Accounting Research, December 2013, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 99-118.
- Asdemir, O., Fernando, G., and Tripathy, A. (2013). "Market Perception of Firm Strategy," Managerial Finance, Vol. 39 Iss: 2, pp. 90-115.
- Anderson, M., Asdemir, O., and Tripathy, A. (2013). "Use of Prescedent and Antecedent Information in Strategic Cost Management," Journal of Business Research, 66, pp.187-193
- Alden, M., Bryan, D., Lessley, B., and Tripathy, A. (2012). "Detection of Financial Statement Fraud Using Evolutionary Algorithms," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, December 2012, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.71-94
- Kumaraswamy, A., Mudumni, R., Saranda, H.,and Tripathy, A. (2012). "Catch-up Strategies in the Indian Auto Components Industry: Domestic Firms' Responces to Market Liberalization," Journal of International Business Studies, 43, pp. 368-395.
- Hu, N., Lui, L., Tripathy, A., and Yao, L.J. (2011). "Value Relevance of Blog Visibility," Journal of Business Research, 64, pp. 1361-1368.
- Desai, N.K., Gerard, G.J., and Tripathy, A. (2011). "Internal Audit Sourcing Arrangements and Reliance by External Auditors," Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Vol. 30, No. 1, Feburary 2011, pp. 187-193.
- Balsam, S., Fernando, G.D.,and Tripathy, A. (2011). "The Impact of Firm Strategy on Performance Measures Used in Executive Compensation," Journal of Business Research, 64, pp.187-193.
- Desai, N.K., Gerard, G.J., and Tripathy, A. (2008). "Cosourcing: The Winning Way," Research Report published by Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation.