Cathy Tashiro, RN, Ph.D.

Prior to obtaining her PhD in Sociology at the University of California, San Francisco, Cathy Tashiro worked as a California State Health Department nurse consultant, women's clinic nurse manager, and family nurse practitioner in several community-based sites in Tucson and the San Francisco Bay Area. She was also a diversity program analyst at the University of California, Berkeley, where she helped develop the first staff diversity program and organizational assessment.
Dr. Tashiro s interests include the identity and health issues of people of mixed race, how experiences over the life cycle influence individual and population health inequalities, contested perspectives on the meaning of race, and the relationships between place, community and well-being, She has conducted research on identity for older people of mixed race, the health beliefs, needs, and experiences of people of mixed race, and on health status and experiences of relocation for residents of a multiethnic housing project.
Community and population health
Sociology of health and illness
Inequalities and health
Scholarly Interests
- Mixed race
- Contested perspectives on the meaning of race
- The impact of inequality on population health
- Immigrant health
- The relationship between place and health
- Critical and interpretive qualitative methods
- Oral history
Current Research
- An exploratory study of the health beliefs, needs and experiences of racially mixed individuals and families
- The impact of relocation on residents of a multiethnic public housing project
Tashiro, C. J. (2007). In-home assessment of older adults in a multicultural society. In C. A. Emlet (Ed.), In-home assessment of older adults, 2nd edition. Austin, TX: PRO-ED, Inc.
Bodonyi, J., Brennan, K., Laakso, J., Tashiro, C., Stevens, C., Brusco, E. & Keller, J. (2007). Salishan HOPE VI Redevelopment midpoint evaluation. Part 1: Resident perspectives and outcomes. Northwest Institute for Children and Families Evaluation Services, University of Washington School of Social Work.
Tashiro, C. J. (2006). Identity and health in the narratives of older mixed race Asian Americans. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 13(1), 41-49.
Tashiro, C. J. (2005). Health disparities in the context of mixed race: Challenging the ideology of race. Advances in Nursing Science, 28(3), 203-211.
Tashiro, C. J. (2005). The meaning of race in health care and research - Part 2: Current controversies and emerging research. Pediatric Nursing, 31(4), 305-308.
Tashiro, C. J. (2005). The meaning of race in health care and research - Part 1: The impact of history. Pediatric Nursing, 31(3), 208-210.
Brennan, K.D., Tashiro, C.J. & Brusco, E.E. (2005). Salishan household health survey. Seattle, WA: Northwest Institute for Children & Families, University of Washington School of Social Work
Tashiro, C. J. (2003). Health issues facing mixed race people. In M. Kelley & M. P. P. Root (Eds.) Multiracial child resource book. Seattle: The Mavin Foundation, pp. 26-31.
Tashiro, C. J. (2002). Considering the significance of ancestry through the prism of mixed-race identity. Advances in Nursing Science, 25(2), 1-21.
Tashiro, C. J. (2001). Mixed but not matched: Multiracial people and the organization of health knowledge. In C. Nakashima & T. Williams (Eds.), The sum of our parts: Mixed heritage Asian Americans. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 173-182.