Amos Nascimento, Ph.D.

Prof. Nascimento studied music, social sciences, and philosophy in Argentina, Brazil, the United States and Germany. He completed his doctorate in Germany, studying with K.-O. Apel, J. Habermas, M. Lutz-Bachmann and A. Honneth at the University of Frankfurt. He has taught at the Goethe Universität in Frankfurt (Germany), Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (Brazil) and the University of Washington Tacoma (USA), and given lectures in various countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe. His work focuses on critical theory/discourse ethics and its applications to morality and politics (especially human rights and cosmopolitanism) as well as to cultural and environmental issues (ethics and aesthetics). He also works on cultural and philosophical issues related to Europe (especially Germany) and Latin America (especially Brazil).
Current Research
Areas of Specialization: Philosophy, especially Critical Theory, Discourse Theory and Discourse Ethics (focusing on the works of Juergen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel).
Applications: Human Rights and Cosmopolitanism, German Philosophy (Kant, Habermas), Latin American Philosophy (Dussel), Applied Ethics and Environmental Philosophy.
Recently taught classes include "Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Rights" (TPHIL200), "History of Philosophy" (TPHIL358) and "Environmental Ethics" (TPHIL456).
Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) and the Environmental Studies (ES) programs at UW Tacoma and the Germanics Department and the Jackson School of International Studies at UW Seattle.
Academic Service
Nascimento is a member of the Board of Directors of the Tacoma World Affairs Council and member of several national and international organizations in the areas of philosophy, environmental studies and education.