Tatiana Elisa Bustos

Research and/or Educational Specialty
Community psychology, community based participatory research, mixed methods, criminal legal systems, evidence based interventions, community based organizational partnerships
Dr. Tatiana Bustos is a part time instructor with teaching experience working with different age groups, including undergraduate and graduate students. Outside of UW, I am an applied researcher, where my work focuses on culturally responsive and equity centered research and evaluation, as well as mixed-methods research designs. My teaching style is learner centric, aiming to build capacity of students to critique and assess research in meaningful ways through consistent practice, collaborative peer reviews, and ongoing group discussions.
Fundamentals Of Psychological Research II (TPSYCH 309)
Academic Service
Advisor, The Community Toolbox
Honors and Awards
Early Career Author Award, RTI International, 2024
Highly Published Author Award, RTI International, 2024
Next Generation Rising Leader Award, National Network of Public Health Institutes, 2023
Bustos, T. E., Ayeni, O., & Saucedo, J. S. (2024). Evaluation engagement: Historical perspectives and new directions with community-based participatory research principles (CBPR). In L. A. Wingate, A. S. Boyce, & L. Wilson-Becho, (Eds.). Core concepts in evaluation: Contemporary commentary on classic writings. SAGE Publishing.
Bustos, T.E. & Wright, Y. (2024). Occupying the “space between” ethnography, evaluation, and positionality. In: M. Goodnight & R. Hopson (Eds.). Theories Bridging Ethnography and Evaluation: Making Transformative, Intersectional and Comparative Connections. Emerald Publishing.
Bustos, T.E., Simkani, S., Sridhar, A., & Drahota, A. (2024). “Good solid relationships make programs work:” A mixed methods assessment of determinants to community research partnerships in Flint, MI. Collaborations: A Journal of Community Based Research and Practice, 7(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.33596/coll.123
Hailemariam, M., Bustos, T. E., Montgomery, B. W., Brown, G., Tefera, G., Adaji, R., Taylor, B., Eshetu, H., Barajas, C., Barajas, R., Najjar, V., Dennis, D., Hudson, J., Felton, J. W., & Johnson, J. E. (2024). Mental health interventions for individuals with serious mental illness in the criminal legal system: A systematic review. BMC Psychiatry, 24(199), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-05612-7