Ilā Ravichandran, Ph.D.

Ilā Ravichandran is an assistant professor of legal studies at the University of Washington, Tacoma. She is an interdisciplinary sociologist who works at the intersections of feminist studies, critical carceral studies, legal studies, Black studies and science & technology studies. Her research focuses on the intersections of science and law and engages with the global policing apparatus. To this end, her current research is a multi-method inquiry that analyzes the expanded use of genetics and genomics as a tool of racialized policing, with particular attention to the assemblages that converge to promote such an apparatus. This research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Social Science Research Network. She is the co-author of Imperial Policing: Weaponized Data in Carceral Chicago (University of Minnesota Press). She is also a visual artist and urban farmer, orienting her life’s work towards liberatory and imagina tive futures.
Research and/or Education Speciality
Science, Knowledge, Technology, Biopolitics, Policing, Surveillance, Counterinsurgency, State, Queerness & Black studies