Diane Kinder, Ph.D

Diane Kinder earned her doctorate in Special Education and Rehabilitation from the University of Oregon.
Prior to joining the faculty at UWT in 2000, Dr. Kinder served on the Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education Faculty at Northern Illinois University where she was the Undergraduate Coordinator and Chair of Special Education. She received the Northern Illinois University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education and the College of Education Award for Graduate Teaching. Prior to receiving her doctorate she founded an independent school in Portland, Oregon and taught for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools in Germany.
Her teaching interests are mainly in the areas of teacher preparation, reading instruction, math instruction, writing instruction, assessment and measurement, and instructional coaching.
With her colleague, Dr. Marcy Stein, she received a number of state grants that contributed to the development of the Dual Track Certification Program, special education and K-8 education. Currently she is the Co-PI for Project RTI is funded by a grant from the Office of Special Education Programs in the U.S. Department of Education to revise and restructure the UWT dual track (general and special education) teacher certification program.