Benjamin Meiches

My research and teaching focus on global politics. I am particularly interested in armed conflict, genocide, and the development of international law. I teach classes about political violence, human rights, and international theory.
Current Research
My research focuses on armed conflict, genocide, international law, and humanitarian intervention. I am the author of two books Nonhuman Humanitarians: Animal Interventions in Global Politics and The Politics of Annihilation: A Genealogy of Genocide both with University of Minnesota Press. I am currently working on a book project that examines how nonhuman actors, such as built environment and technology, shapemass atrocities. Generally, my research examines the historical invention of concepts, categories, and practices of collective violence. I am also interested in debates in political theory.
This year I will teach TPOLS 203 Introduction to International Relations, TPOLS 496 the PPPA Capstone, and TPOLS 497 Internship and State Government. I am also an instructor in the Global Honors program where I teach TGH490 Research Methodologies.
- International Studies Association
- American Political Science Association
Honors and Awards
- Theory Best Book Award 2024-International Studies Association-Theory Section for Nonhuman Humanitarians: Animal Interventions in Global Politics
- Best Article in Review of International Studies Prize 2019 for "Non-human Humanitarians."
- Honorable Mention for the 2020 Yale H. Ferguson Award, International Studies Association-Northeast