Jie Sheng, Ph.D.

Honors and Awards
Grants and Awards:
- Corporate gift fund $15,000 by BTS Technologies Ltd., Korea
- 2012: UWT Chancellor’s Fund Summer Research Camp
- 2012: UWT Chancellor’s Fund Instructional Technology Fellows Institute for Course Redesign
- 2011: UWT Teaching Release Research Quarter Spring 2011. Research project: Hardware Implementation of Multirate Model Predictive Control
- 2010: UWT Chancellor’s Fund for Research and Scholarship. Research project: Using Open Source Software to Develop a Test-bed for Unmanned Vehicle Systems with Smartphone as Communication Media
- 2010: UWT Curriculum Enhancement Grants 2010, CLSR. Project: Broaden students’ perspectives of engineers’ social responsibility
Academic Service
- Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee (AY2013-2016)
- Distinguished Teaching Award (DTA) committee (AY 2012-2013, AY 2013-2014)
- SAFC faculty ex-officio (AY 2011-2012)
- Institute Graduate committee (2011-2015)
- Institute CSS Undergraduate committee (2009 - 2012)
- Institute CES committee for ABET Accreditation (2009 - 2011)
- Institute CES Undergraduate committee (2011 - 2015)
- Institute Director search committee (2010, 2011)
- TCES 102 Introduction to Engineering II
- TCSS 142 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- TCES 230 Introduction to Logic Design
- TINST 310 Computational Problem Solving
- TCES 310 Linear Systems and Transforms
- TCES 330 Digital Systems Design
- TCSS 333 C for System Programming
- TCSS 371 Machine Organization
- TCES 372 Machine Organization and Architecture for Engineers
- TCSS 390E workshop supporting TCES215
- TCSS 390F workshop supporting TCES310
- TCSS 390F workshop supporting TCES312
- TCES 430 Microprocessor System Design
- TCES 455 Devices and Controls
- TCES 481 Senior Project I
- TCES 482 Senior Project II
- TCSS 498 Direct Reading (Digital Signal Processing)
- TCSS 590 Mathematical Foundation of Comp. Science
[JFI15] Chen, F., Ding, F., and Sheng, J. (2015) Maximum likelihood based recursive parameter estimation for controlled autoregressive ARMA systems using the data filtering technique. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 352, Issue 12, pp. 5882-5896. (Impact Factor: 2.418)
[JCSE14] Sheng, J., Chung, S., Hansel, L, McLane, D., Morrah, J., Baeg, S. H. and Park S. (2014). JAUS to EtherCAT Bridge: Toward Real-Time and Deterministic Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems. Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 631487, 20 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/631487. (Impact factor: 2012 Evaluation Pending)
[NON14] Li, X., Zhou, L., Sheng, J. and Ding, R. (2014). Recursive least squares parameter estimation algorithm for dual-rate sampled-data nonlinear systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 01/2014; DOI:10.1007/s11071- 013-1212-1. (2012 Impact Factor: 3.009)
[JFI13] Hu, P., Ding, F. and Sheng, J. (2013). Auxiliary model based least squares parameter estimation algorithm for feedback nonlinear systems using the hierarchical identification principle. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 350, Issue 10, pp. 3248-3259. (Impact Factor: 2.418)
[OCAM13] Zhang, H., Liu, M., Shi, Y. and Sheng, J. (2013). Extended LMI representatives for stability and stabilization of discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Optimal Control, Applications and Methods. doi: 10.1002/oca.2092. (Impact Factor: 1.062)