Robin Evans-Agnew, PhD, RN

Robin Evans-Agnew joined the faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma (UWT) in 2012. His major research interests are in asthma, school nursing and environmental justice.
Robin Evans-Agnew received his PhD (2011) and MN (1999) from the University of Washington and his BSN (1994) from Johns Hopkins University. He is a steering committee member for the Puget Sound Asthma Coalition, the Washington Thoracic Society, the Pierce County Community Health Implementation Planning group, and the Cross Cultural Collaborative of Pierce County (MOGH group). His advanced clinical practice background includes school nursing and population based public health nursing with the American Lung Association of Washington, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, and Seattle Schools.
Scholarly Interests
- Public Health
- Asthma
- Health inequities
- Environmental justice
- Adolescent health
- Critical and feminist theory
- Interpretive/qualitative
- Community-based participatory action research
- Ethnography
- Critical discourse Analysis
- Visual methods (including Photovoice)
Current Research
- "Mujeres Latinas Apoyando la Communidad" an ongoing Community Based Participatory Research study with Latino Caregivers of children with asthma (Various funding resources).
- Population health: Trauma-informed pedagogy for healthcare system leaders.
Courses Taught:
TNURS/THLEAD 350/450 - Critical analysis and writing
TNURS 402 - Family and chronic conditions across the lifespan
TNURS/THLEAD 407 - Diversity, Health, and Inequities
TNURS 414 - Health, Communities, and Populations
TNURS/THLEAD 430 - Interpersonal Communication
THLEAD 480 - Healthcare Leadership fieldwork
TNURS 490 - Photovoice and the art of documentary photography: an aesthetic lens on human health
TNURS 523 - Community Health Assessment
TNURS 509 - Evaluation and decision making in healthcare
TNURS 561 - Community planning, intervention and evaluation
Evans-Agnew, R. A., & Eberhardt, C. (2018). Uniting action research and citizen science: Examining the opportunities for mutual benefit between two movements through a woodsmoke photovoice study. Action Research. e-published ahead of print
De Souza, R., Evans-Agnew, R. A., Espina, C. (2018). Federal weatherization and health education team up: Process evaluation of a new strategy to improve health equity for people with asthma and COPD. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. Doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000786.
Evans-Agnew, R. A., Postma, J. M., Ochoa Camacho, A., Hershberg, R., Trujillo, E., & Tinajera, M. (2018). Development and pilot testing of a bilingual environmental health assessment tool to promote asthma-friendly childcares. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 12(1), 35-44. doi:10.1353/cpr.2018.0004.
Smith-Fromm, T., & Evans-Agnew, R. A. (2017). Educator Preparedness for Mental Health in Adolescents: Opportunities for School Nurse Leadership. NASN Sch Nurse, 1942602x17700145. doi:10.1177/1942602x17700145
Brickle, M. B., & Evans-Agnew, R. (2017). Photovoice and Youth Empowerment in Environmental Justice Research: A Pilot Study Examining Woodsmoke Pollution in a Pacific Northwest Community. J Community Health Nurs, 34(2), 89-101. doi:10.1080/07370016.2017.1304148
Evans-Agnew, R. A. (2017). Asthma disparity photovoice: the discourses of Black adolescent and public health policymakers. Health Promotion Practice. E-pub ahead of print Doi: 10.1177/1524839917691039
Evans-Agnew, R. A., Postma, J. M., & Sledd, L. (2016). Mi niño con asma": Hispanic/Latina mothers, environmental justice, and photovoice at the front lines of the asthma epidemic. Journal of Health Disparity Research and Practice, 9(1) 88-114.
Evans-Agnew, R. A. (2016). Asthma Management Disparities: A Photovoice Investigation With African American Youth. Journal of School Nursing, 32(2), 99-111. Doi:10.1177/1059840515588192
Evans-Agnew, R. A., Compson, J., Lower, C. S. (2015). Crossing the interdisciplinary divide: Co-advancing workforce development in environmental justice through a digital-commons initiative. Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 16(2/3/4):158-74.
Postma J. M., Evans-Agnew R. A., Capouya J. (2015). Mexican-American caregivers' perceptions about asthma management: a photovoice study. Journal of Asthma, 52(6):593-9.