M. Billye Sankofa Waters, Ph.D.

Sankofa Waters identifies as a Blackgirl from the Midwest with 20+ professional years in various capacities as a writer/journalist, educator, artist. She is the author of Penetrated Soul: somethingsihadtorelease, We Can Speak for Ourselves: Parent Involvement and Ideologies of Black Mothers in Chicago; co-editor of The Lauryn Hill Reader w/ Bettina L. Love and Venus Evans-Winters and How We Got Here: The Role of Critical Mentoring and Social Justice Praxis w/ the late Marta Sánchez.
Sankofa Waters, M. B. & Rhodes, M. (2024). “What’s Happening Baby?”: Lessons from my first teacher, Mrs. Mary M. Temple Rhodes. Urban Education. OnlineFirst. doi:10.1177/00420859241258187
Muhammad, G., Sankofa Waters, M. B. & Reid, S. (2023). Editorial. Equity & Excellence in Education, 56(4), 495512, doi:10.1080/10665684.2023.2291904
Sankofa Waters, M. B. (2022). Black storytellers and everyday liberation: At the nexus of home, school, and Hip Hop. Qualitative Inquiry, 29(6), 705-719. doi:10.1177/10778004221139