Bernard Anderson, Ph.D.

Dr. Bernard Anderson serves as Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Life, and is a key champion of student well-being, support, and success. In his role, he supports and advances the strategic vision of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and he leads a dynamic and talented team of professionals focused on enhancing the student experience at UW Tacoma. His portfolio of responsibility includes 3E Team, Center for Student Involvement (ASUWT Student Government, Service and Leadership, Student Publications, Student Activities Board, and Registered Student Organizations), Counseling and Psychological Services, Disability Resources for Students, Residence Life, Student Advocacy and Support, Student Center, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Student Health Services. Additionally, he provides broad advisory oversight and support to the two major student funding committees: the Services and Activities Fees Committee (SAFC) and the Student Technology Fee Committee (STFC). In addition to his administrative role, he serves as an affiliate faculty member in the School of Education.
Prior to his arrival at UW Tacoma, he held senior roles at a number of institutions, including Dean of Student Affairs at the University of California, San Diego, Assistant Dean of Students at California Polytechnic State University, University Ombuds at Kennesaw State University, and other administrative roles at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of New Orleans. Additionally, he previously held affiliate faculty roles in the Department of First-Year and Transition Studies at Kennesaw State University, as well as the master's program in the Department of Educational Leadership at Mercer University.
Instructor for TEDLD576: Education Law and Governance - Summer 2021
Scholarly Interests
My research interests are focused on conflict management systems design in higher education, issues of access, equity, diversity, and inclusion in academia, governance issues in higher education, and exploration of issues impacting job satisfaction of student affairs professionals.