Wes Lloyd, Ph.D.

Current Research
My research interests encompass distributed systems and software engineering, and I have published research in the areas of cloud computing, virtualization, scientific computing, performance modeling, web/service computing, software metrics, and requirements engineering. I am particularly passionate about the development of data analytics that harness software and system level metrics to better quantify and autonomously manage complex systems.
Honors and Awards
- 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) Travel Grant Award, $400.
- 2012 Computerworld Honors Laureate project - Winner Economic Development category: "Cloud Services Innovation Platform" (5% award rate, selected from 200 laureate projects)
- 2007 Special Service Award for Software Development, US Fish and Wildfire Service
Lloyd, W., Pallickara, S., David, O., Arabi, M., Rojas, K., Wible, T., Ditty, J., Demystifying theClouds: Harnessing Resource Utilization Models for Cost Effective Infrastructure Alternatives.(To appear) IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 2015.
Lloyd, W., David, O., Arabi, M., Ascough, J.C., Green, T.R., Carlson, J., Rojas, K., The VirtualMachine (VM) Scaler: An Infrastructure Manager Supporting Environmental Modeling onInfrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds, iEMSs 2014 International Congress on EnvironmentalModeling and Software: Bold Visions for Environmental Modelling, 7th Biennial Meeting (iEMSs2014), San Diego, CA, USA, June 2014, 8 p.
David, O., Lloyd, W., Rojas, K., Arabi, M., Geter, F., Carlson, J., Leavesley, G., Ascough II, J.C.,Green, T.R., Model as a Service (MaaS) using the Cloud Service Innovation Platform (CSIP), iEMSs2014 International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software: Bold Visions forEnvironmental Modelling, 7th Biennial Meeting (iEMSs 2014), San Diego, CA, USA, June 2014,8p.
David, O., Ascough, J., Lloyd, W., Green, T., Rojas, K., Leavesley, G., Ajuha, L., 2013, A softwareengineering perspective on environmental modeling framework design: The Object ModelingSystem. Environmental Modelling & Software, Special Issue. vol. 39 (1): 201-213. Jan 2013. Elsevier.
Lloyd, W., Pallickara, S., David, O., Lyon, J., Arabi, M., Rojas, K., 2013, Performance Implicationsof Multi-Tier Application Deployments on Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds: TowardsPerformance Modeling, Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, Special Issue: Modeldriven Provisioning of Application Services in Hybrid Computing Environments. vol. 29 (5): 1254-1264. 2013. Elsevier.
Lloyd, W., David, O., Ascough II, J.C., Rojas, K.W., Carlson, J.R., Leavesley, G.H., Krause, P., Green,T.R., Ahuja, L.R., Environmental modeling framework invasiveness: Analysis and implications.Environmental Modelling & Software 26(10): 1240-1250. 2011. Elsevier.