Sergio Davalos, Ph.D
Director, CBA Associate Professor

University of Arizona
Dr. Davalos currently teaches the Competing with Information Technology, Financial Modeling, Business Problem Solving with Excel, and Decision Support Systems courses. Prior to joining the UW-T faculty, he taught at Portland State University, University of the Virgin Islands, and University of Portland.
Scholarly Interests
- Text Mining of Social Media
- Text Mining of Financial and Accounting Documents
- Bankruptcy Modeling with Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithim, and Ant Colony Optimization
- Multi-Agent Modeling for Enterpreneurial Decision Making
- Multi-Agent Modeling for Resource Search and Coordination
- Multi-Agent Simulation of Competion and Coopetition
- Service Oriented Computing for Business Process
Current Research
Selected Publications
- Davalos, S., Merchant, A., Lessley, G., Rose, G., and Teredesai, A. (2015). "The Good Old Days': An Examination of Nostalga in User Generated Content (Facebook)," International Journal of Human Computer Studies.
- Farnadi, G., Sitaraman, G., Sushmita, S., Celli, F., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D., Davalos, S., Moens, M., De Cock, M. (2014). "Computational Personality Recognition in Social Media," The Journal of Personalization Research.
- Davalos, S., Leng, F., Feroz, E., and Cao, Z. (2014). "Combining Heterogeneous Bankruptcy Classifiers Using if-then Rules: A Genetic Algorithm Approach," Intelligent Systems In Accounting, Finance and Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 461-491.
- Watkins, A., Davalos, S. (2014). "Software Testing Cost Reduction With Genetic Alogorithms and Neutral Networks," International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, March 2014
- Cao, Z., Leng, F., Feroz, E., and Davalos, S. (2013). "Corporate Governance and Default Risk of Firms Cited in the SEC's Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases," Review of Quantive Finance and Accounting, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 13-138.
- Watkins, A., Davalos, S. (2013). "Multi-agent Simulation Study to Identify and Assess Factors Contributing to Individual Entrepreneurial Development," Journal of Nature Inspired Business Applications, Spring 2013.
- Leng, F., Feroz, E., Davalos, S., and Cao, Z. (2011). "The Long Term Performance and Failure Risk of Firms Cited in the US SEC's Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases," Journal of Business Finace and Accounting, Vol. 38, No. 7-8, pp. 813-841.
- Gritta, R., Davalos, S. (2010). "A Neural Network Approach to Forecasting Large and Medium Regional U.S. Air Carrier Financial Stress and Bankruptcy," Journal of NeuroPsychoEconomics Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics.
- Davalos, S., Leng, F., Feroz, E., and Cao, Z. (2009). "Bankruptcy Classification of Firms Investigated by the US Securities and Excange Commission: An Evolutionary Adaptive Ensemble Model Approach," Interantional Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 360-388.
- Davalos, S., and Ah, J. B. C (2008). "Legacy ti Wed Migration: Service-Oriented Software Reengineering (SOSR) Methodology," International Journal of Service Sciences, December 2014
- Davalos, S., Gritta, R., and Adrangi, B. (2007). "Genetic Algorithim in Deriving Rules for Forecasting Air Carrier Stress and Insoulvency," Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Summer 2007.
- Gritta, R., Adrangi, B., Davalos, S., and Bright, D. (2006). "A Review of Air Carrier Bankruptcy Forecastng Methodologies and Directions for Future Research, " The Credit and Financial Management Review, Third Quarter Vol. 12 (3).
- Davalos, S., Gritta, R., Adrangi, B., and Goodfriend, J. (2005). "The Use of a Genetic Algorithim in Forecasting Air Carrier Stress and Insoulvency," The Credit and Financial Management Review, Second Quarter Vol. 11 (2).
- Goodfriend, J., Gritta, R., Adrangi, B.,and Davalos, S. (2004). "Assessing the Financial Condition of the Major U.S Passenger Airlines Over the 1993- 2003 Using the P-Score and Z-Score Dirscriminant Models, " The Credit and Financial Management Review, Fourth Quarter Vol. 10 (4).
- Gritta, R., Chow, G., Davalos, S. (2003). "Gauging the Financial Condition fo the Major U.S. Air Carriers, " Journal of Transportation Law, Logistic, and Policy, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp.116-122.
- Association of Information Systems (AIS)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic Service
Co-Chair ISRM (2004)
CV / Resume