Heather E. Dillon, Ph.D.

Dr. Heather Dillon is Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington Tacoma, where her research team is working on renewable energy systems, solid-state lighting, energy efficiency in buildings, fundamental heat transfer studies, and engineering education. She holds a joint appointment with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory working on both energy efficiency and renewable energy systems.
She recently served as the Chair of the Council on Undergraduate Research Engineering Division and the Fulbright Canada Research Chair in STEM Education at the University of Calgary, Alberta. Before joining academia, Heather Dillon worked for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) as a senior research engineer, where she received the US Department of Energy Office of Science Outstanding Mentor Award.
McCord K, Dillon HE, Gunderson P, Carlson S, Phillips A, Griechen A, and Antonopoulos CA. (2024)
Strategies for Connecting Whole-building LCA to the Low-carbon Design Process. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. doi:10.1088/2634-4505/ad17ce
Tribelhorn B and Dillon HE. (2023) Mapping the Chaotic Transitions of the Lorenz Equations with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Journal of Heat Transfer. Vol 145, no 1. doi.org/10.1115/1.4055937
Dillon HE. (2020) Development of a Mentoring Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience (M-CURE). Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research. Vol 3, no 4. Page 26.
Dzombak R, Kasikaralar E, and Dillon HE. (2020) Exploring Light-as-a-Service and Optimal Technology Management Strategies in the Street Lighting Industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling X. doi:10.1016/j.rcrx.2019.100022
Beattie A, Dillon HE, Poor CJ, and Kenton RJ. (2019) Solar Water Disinfection with Flat and Parabolic Reflectors. Journal of Water and Health. doi:10.2166/wh.2019.174
Dillon HE, Dzombak R, and Antonopoulos CA. (2019) Exergy Analysis of Heating Options for Buildings in the Pacific Northwest. International Journal of Exergy. Vol 30, no 3, Pages 275-293. doi:10.1504/IJEX.2019.103180
Dillon HE, James C, Prestholdt T, Peterson V, Salomone S, and Anctil E. (2019) Development of a Formative Peer Observation Protocol for STEM Faculty Reflection. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Pages 1-14. doi:10.1080/02602938.2019.1645091
Dzombak R, Antonopoulos CA, and Dillon HE. (2019) Balancing Technological Innovation with Waste Burden Minimization: An Examination of the Global Lighting Industry. International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology. Vol 92, no 1, Pages 68-74. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2019.04.037
Dillon HE, Ross CB, and Dzombak R. (2019) Environmental and Energy Improvements of LED Lamps over Time: A Comparative Life Cycle. LEUKOS The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society. doi:10.1080/15502724.2018.1541748
Hampel C, Crowder HA, and Dillon HE. (2019) Laminar Natural Convection of an Isothermal Vertical Plate Using Schlieren Photography and Numerical Methods. Heat Transfer Research. Vol 50, no 6, Pages 565-580. doi:10.1615/HeatTransRes.2018025783